Event details
Sharing of Scientific Information
Is Denmark behind - or ahead - when it comes to medico- and opportunities for pharmaceutical companies to share scientific information with Danish healthcare professionals? Do Danish healthcare professionals and thus patients miss crucial research results and further education, or do we in Denmark have the right balance with current practice?
Life Science Law DK invites to a debate on knowledge sharing between companies and healthcare professionals in Denmark, including whether there is a need for clarification or adjustment of the framework for sharing scientific information in Denmark.
Additional details
Life Science Law DK invites to a debate on knowledge sharing between companies and healthcare professionals in Denmark, including whether there is a need for clarification or adjustment of the framework for sharing scientific information in Denmark.
The event is aimed at lawyers, patent specialists as well as others with an interest in the topic. Participation is free (also for non-members of the association).
There is widespread consensus that it is beneficial for patients, healthcare professionals, the healthcare system and companies and Danish society that companies can share scientific information with Danish healthcare professionals. The doctors are further trained and the patients thus receive better treatment. At the same time, doctors are contributing to the research and development of the medicine of the future, which is beneficial patients and Danish society. The opportunities for knowledge sharing between industry and healthcare professionals are partly regulated by Danish legislation partly by the companies ’own ethical guidelines (including ENLI’s Advertising Code). Traditionally, knowledge sharing has taken place in connection with meeting activities, including companies sponsoring physicians' participation in international congresses, where there are typically special interest in publishing new data for already approved products or new products. In recent years, several companies have chosen to move away from sponsoring physicians' participation in international congresses. At the same time, the development of technology and the increasing digitalization are doing so more attractive to use digital solutions for knowledge sharing, including communication, training, meeting activities and the like. Examples from Europe are live streaming from meetings where the speaker located in another country, live streaming from international congresses or subsequent sharing of video recordings (on demand) via a website hosted by a congress organizer, a third party or possibly a company. The question is to what extent the current Danish practice sufficiently takes into account the right balance between scientific knowledge sharing, including sharing information about the future medicines, and the general interest in ensuring that doctors and other healthcare professionals maintain their integrity in relation to the choice of the right treatment for the individual patient. There are examples that activities that according to current practice are not legal in Denmark can implemented in other European countries.
Course certificates corresponding to 3 lessons are issued, which are handed out after the event. If you want to receive one course certificate, please write this in connection with your registration.
Welcome v/Uffe Mark Hansen, Chairman of Life Science Law DK and Head of Legal and Compliance, Novartis Healthcare A/S
What is happening outside Denmark? Examples of business sharing scientific information via digital solutions outside Denmark v/Christian Vinther, Nordic Digital Marketing Manager, Novartis Healthcare A/S
Introduction to the rules of legislation and ENLI and the Danish Medicines Agency and ENLI's practice regarding companies' sharing of scientific information with Danish healthcare professionals v/Rikke Bækgaard Thomassen, Head of Secretariat and Legal Investigator, ENLI and Christian Vinding Thomsen, Lawyer and partner, Bech-Bruun
Work in Lif's working group for future continuing education of doctors v/Carsten Blæsbjerg, Chief Consultant in Lif and chairman of the working group.
Panel discussion: How should the possibilities for knowledge sharing between companies and healthcare professionals, especially doctors, be in the future in Denmark?
Thomas Senderovitz, director of the Danish Medicines Agency
Henriette Dræbye Rosenquist, Country Manager, Pfizer Danmark A/S
Christian Vinding Thomsen, Lawyer and partner, Bech-Bruun
Chair: Martin Dræbye Gantzhorn, Lawyer and partner, Bech-Bruun
Rounding off and Networking
Sign up for the event
If you have any other questions to the event please contact the organizer for the event at meh@widex.com